Out-of-Office Replies We Wish We Could Send

Automating how you really feel while on vacation

Rodney Lacroix
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2022


Ever want to send an out of office reply that wasn’t so politically correct or get you fired? Here’s a list of some that you wish you could send.
Screenshots herein created by author in Paint.

I just got back from a short vacation with my wife.

I considered it a vacation because we left the kids at home. If you bring kids, it’s just a trip.

This is science.

Whenever I leave the office, whether on a blissful vacation or headache-inducing trip, my company requires me to set up automatic out-of-office replies on my email. This is a nice way to tell coworkers that I am ignoring their emails for a good reason, instead of ignoring them on purpose like I usually do.

In typical Out-of-Office fashion, we are told to write in our dates of absence and who to contact in case it’s important. I have never been on any corporate flowchart other than the polygon at the very bottom that says “Everyone Else,” so important emails never come my way.

I wish, though, I could set up my Out-of-Office to say things that I’m really thinking, like:

Out of office message: I am currently out of the office. Thank Christ.
Honesty is the best policy.



Rodney Lacroix is the author of numerous books, including “The Vasectomy Diaries” and “Romantic as Hell.” He has four kids and is super tired, you guys.